Critical Mass from London to Calais : Bikes Beyond Borders!

gepost op 27/07/15 door bikes beyond borders
lieu : Londre-Calais
Trefwoorden  actie  sans-papiers  solidarité  Calais 

Critical Mass to Calais >>> August 29-31


Critical Mass to Calais : Bikes Beyond Borders!

Got a bike and want to pass it on? This is an attempt to get bikes and
other provisions to refugees in Calais.

If you have, or can source a bike to donate, then please, please join us
this August bank holiday weekend on our little trip cycling across the
channel: Critical Mass to Calais, taking bikes beyond borders!

We will release more details nearer the time, but you can get involved
in any way shape or form (there are many, many ways) just scroll down
and pick from the options below.


The vast majority of people living in the camps have left their home
countries for reasons of war and persecution in search of safety and
security. Now, having been forcibly evicted from autonomous camps in
Calais to a new ‘designated area’, 7km from the town centre, there are
in the region of 2000 people, including women and unaccompanied minors,
living in conditions of poor sanitation with minimal access to support
and services.

Most cyclists can relate to the sense of freedom, mobility and self
sustainability afforded by the bicycle. For people living in the camps,
bicycles are an invaluable asset, improving quality of life by
increasing access to basic essentials like the local shop and support
and advice services, currently over an hour’s walk away. Some
organisations have already began taking bikes to the camps, but many
more are needed.

Here is how to JOIN IN THE FUN:

1) THE BIG ONE – 2 Day Cycle from London to Calais leaving Saturday 29th
August with overnight camp fun to break the journey – Location and route
details TBA nearer the time.

2) 1 Day Cycle from London to Calais leaving Sunday 30th August – For
the faster riders or those with time constraints.

3) 1 Day Cycle, starting at overnight camp (location TBA) to Calais –
For those who want a shorter ride.

4) Just get to Calais! You may want to donate a bike and visit Calais
with us, but perhaps don’t fancy the ride or don’t live in London or the
UK…so just find the best way to meet – perhaps even starting a critical
mass from your own city!

Don’t have a bike you are able to donate?

1) Come along for the ride! Donating is not mandatory at all, the more
the merrier, so join in the fun at any of the stages listed above!

2) Talk to your pals! Do you know there are 7 times more unused bikes in
garages and gardens in London than out on the roads, so speak to your
friends or neighbours to get your hands on one!

3) Get a second hand bike from your local bike shop or one of our
recommended providers – details to follow.

Don’t fancy the ride?

1) Get your bike to Calais in any way you can! We know that riding isn’t
for everyone, the main objective is to get as many bikes to the camps as
possible, so if you have another way of getting yours there, then find
us at either Dover or Calais on the Sunday.

2) Join us as a support vehicle! You never know what might happen the
road and we would love to be accompanied along the way! There will be
mechanics in the group but parts and refreshments will need their own

3) Donate any spare bicycles to the cause! There are many organisations
who refurbish unused bicycles and donate them to asylum seekers and
refugees, message us and we can connect you!

The BBCs thoughts on bikes in Calais this week...

Lets fill the city with BIKES!!!

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